Friday, February 4, 2011

Lead Testing Phase

three exterior windows

more stucco
As many of you are aware, The EPA made April 22nd, 2011 (Earth Day) the start of the RRP rule a program that mandates that all homes built prior to 1978 shall be considered leaded until tested otherwise. This in turn inspired Levco Builders to invest in additional training of employees and the purchase of two Innov-x XRF analyzers. Lead Locators was born. Lead Locators was contacted by the Owner to test the project in anticipation of remodeling the home. The test found a heavily leaded home primarily on the exterior which was not uncommon. Lead based paint was often used as an exterior coating because of its ease of application, colorfast properties and longevity. The RRP rule mandates that properly trained individuals conduct disturbing of lead based paint with the overall coal of dust free demolition and involves extensive steps to protect owners occupants the environment and employees. The report essentially saved money in the long run because much of the home was not leaded therefore traditional demolition techniques were able to be employed on much of the renovation.

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